Yesterday, i felt so 'gabra' when my boss wanted me to give an explanation about the relif using the program. not in front of the students or my collague, but in front of all the principal skool in Pontian. huhuhu... but lucky the meeting was cancelled when the PPD cannot come! fuh, lega...
n this morning, my principal looked at me.. 'hurun, dah sedia?" huhuhu.. jangan takutla.." so my class burn. i approached my fren n asked her how to overcome the gabra? i asked her how to start the talk..n she gave me an idea.. i went to the sanggar ilmu, waiting for all the principal skool. huhu.. dapat mkn free pg tuh.to decrease my gabra, i called my 'abg' n kaco2 my guru media.
then..when the meeting started, my principal called out my name to give my speech... hohoho.. my legs become vibrate. but lucky, i can control it..seperti ader kuasa yang menyebabkan aku tenang n rase best la plak bile dah bercakap kt depan! i felt like a younger principal..n felt very cute in front of them..!!! hahaha.. then i got one good symbol from my boss.. ;)
n.. when others techer knew, i had given a talk in front of the principal..huhu, i smiled.. rase glemer kejap.."ain, ko buat ape kt dalam tu td?"aku senyap jerk. tapi ader lak yang menyampuk. "jadi penceramah pengetua2"..haha, kena perli.
huhuhu.. actually i am a nervous girl when talk in front of the audience.. donno why..and i thing this is a good expose to me for the next time..hope, i can control my vibrate..
ReplyDeleteur hapi2 day cannot fight with Hapi2 Sunday of Koha...:D