Tuesday, March 31, 2009


going to skool
mess up my mind
a lot of work
a lot of depression
a lot of experience
a lot of joy
students make me smile..even make me cry
skool make me happy..even make me down

thursday - final induction..smile :)2 weeks packing days..
friday - skool day..evening-clean up the skool hall 4 TADARUS
saturday - ICTL course LDP till 4pm..i'm as a facilitator..
sunday - free time, rest my body even my brain
night sunday - copy 30 cdS for SEGAK, took too much time till 2.30am..going to skool with tired eyes
monday - rushing to pekan nenas at 12.30pm..GPM course at PKG Pekan Nenas, not really need, till
5pm..slept early at night with full head
tuesday - same course..FM management for GPM at PKG Pekan Nenas..till 5pm
back to skool with baju kerja, training for petanque till 6.15pm
now (1.23 am-wednesday) - bloging..my way to express my diary..the reason why 'ilusi pena'

what can i say? em..adakah ini yang dikatakan PENINGKATAN DALAM TQM dan KMK? Blur, answer me..Sebenarnye aku rase badan aku dah semakin menyusut..makin mengecil..berbanding aku ketika kecik..berbanding aku ketika sekolah..


  1. tqm kmk??cam xde kaitan jer..lol..ko da salah konsep ni ain..

  2. ade la.. peningkatan mutu kerja..aku g pengurusan fail meja..em..

  3. Hidup sebagai cikgu mmg tension sbb seorg ibu yg jaga seorg budak pun ley tension lagikan seorg cikgu kena jaga ramai. Tapi kenapa Blur nampak tenang jerk,eh? :D

  4. makan banyak!!!!!! cepat.. jgn tension2
