Monday, February 2, 2009

VIRUS-rescycle boot

Type: Worm
Risk Impact: High
File Names:, Zlob.DNS Changer
Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP

Korang pernah x bile nk click pada disk C,D atau E atau thumb drive tapi tiba2 kuar perkataan C:\resycled\ is not a valid Win32 Application dan korang xboleh nak open local disk tersebut mcm biase? terpaksalah right click dan open.. benda ni pernah terjadi kat acer atom aku nih..bengang betul betul rase.. hatta,AVIRA aku pun xdapat nk buang virus tuh.. virus ni adalah sejenis worm yang mengganggu sistem, ..aku pun search tenet.. dan ini hasilnye.. step by step aku ikut ..dan akhirnye virus dapat dibuang!!! nsib baik.. selamatlah atom acer aku ni..

Here’s the REAL way to clean this off your system. You should do these steps after a fresh reboot or in safe mode.
1) Navigate to the problem drive(s) via the Explore option.
3) Click the button which says ‘Show hidden files and folders.
4) UNCHECK the following boxes:
Hide extensions for known file types
Hide protected operrating system files
5) Find and delete the autorun.ini file and the resycled folder on the root directory of all affected drives.
6) Check “c:\windows\system32\dllcache” for file and delete it if present.
7) Check “c:\windows\prefetch” for file and delete if present.
8) Delete all files from c:\windows\temp
(Some files may not delete, that’s ok, they’re in use by the system and not virus files.)
9) Delete all files from c:\Documents and Settings\[USER PROFILE]\Local Settings\Temp
(Again, a couple files may not delete, don’t worry.)
10) Run Regedit
11) Make sure you are at the very first entry of the registry hive. (y Computer should be hilighted) then click EDIT -> FIND
12) Search for “”. If it finds an entry, delete it. Keep hitting F3 until you’ve deleted all instances of in the entire registry.
13) Scroll the left comumn back up to the top and hilight the My Computer again at the top of the registry hive.
14) Click Edit -> Find again and search for ‘resycled’ and repeat as in step 13, deleting the entries as it finds them. (I found 2 of each)
15) Close registry editor and try opening the infected drives. They should work now.
Worked for me at least. I ran NAV2008 2 times on it and it was able to find the files but unable to remove them for some reason. Doing this, seems to have completely resolved the issue for me.

Good luck!

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